Reddit’s Favorite Fitness Apps: A Guide to Making Better Choices

Reddit’s Favorite Fitness Apps: A Guide to Making Better Choices

Fitness apps have revolutionized how we approach personal health, exercise routines, and wellness habits. In the plethora of options available, it may be hard to determine which apps truly deliver on their promises. That’s where Reddit, the vast online community of real users, comes in handy. By filtering through discussions and reviews, you can glean valuable insights into which fitness apps are most effective. In this blog post, we will explore how to use Reddit to make better choices when it comes to selecting a fitness app that suits your personal needs.

Understanding Fitness Apps

Before diving into Reddit, it’s essential to understand what makes a fitness app worth your time. Good fitness apps usually offer a range of features, including workout routines, progress tracking, nutritional advice, community support, and integration with other devices or apps. Some may focus more on strength training, while others might prioritize yoga or high-intensity interval training (HIIT). When searching for an app, consider which features align with your fitness goals.

Exploring Reddit for Fitness App Advice

Reddit is comprised of thousands of ‘subreddits’, each dedicated to specific topics or interests. When it comes to fitness apps, subreddits like r/Fitness, r/WorkoutRoutines, and r/mHealth (mobile health) are excellent starting points. Each of these communities is filled with users who share experiences and provide feedback on various apps.


Subreddit r/Fitness is a broad community covering all things fitness related. Within this subreddit, you can use the search function to find threads about fitness apps. Look for frequently mentioned apps and take note of both the positive and negative comments to gauge general sentiment. Consider asking direct questions about the apps you’re interested in to get personalized feedback from others who share your fitness interests or have a similar background.


In r/WorkoutRoutines, Redditors share specific workout routines and often discuss how different apps help them in executing these routines. You can find discussions on workout apps tailored for various activities, from weightlifting to cardio sessions. Comparing the routines suggested by the apps and the community’s feedback can direct you towards an app that best suits your workout preferences.


For those interested in the integration of technology and health, r/mHealth is a great source. This subreddit covers the broader spectrum of mobile health applications, including fitness apps. Here you can find nuanced discussions about the effectiveness of app features, user experience, and app reliability.

Popular Fitness Apps on Reddit


One of the most frequently recommended apps on Reddit is MyFitnessPal, primarily for its comprehensive food tracking and large food database. Users appreciate its ability to log meals quickly and the app’s robust community that encourages accountability and support.

StrongLifts 5×5

Another app that is often discussed on Reddit is StrongLifts 5×5. It’s a popular choice for those focused on strength training, due to its simple interface and the effective routine it promotes. Reddit users also praise the how-to videos and its ability to automatically increase workout weights.

Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K (C25K) is also favored among Redditors, especially for beginners looking to get into running. The program is designed to gradually build up your stamina, and Redditors often share their successful journey from couch to completing a 5K.

Tips for Using Reddit Effectively

To optimize your use of Reddit in finding the perfect fitness app, follow these tips:

  1. Verify Information: Cross-reference any advice with multiple sources or threads to ensure its accuracy.
  2. Engage with Community: Don’t be afraid to ask follow-up questions or for clarification on users’ comments.
  3. Look for Patterns: Pay attention to apps that are consistently praised or critiqued across various threads and subreddits.
  4. Check App Updates: Keep in mind the date of reviews or discussion threads, as fitness apps frequently update, which could address previous concerns or introduce new issues.


In conclusion, Reddit can be a powerful tool in helping you choose the best fitness app for your needs. With an informed and active community, first-hand experiences, and ample opportunities to ask questions and receive personalized advice, delving into Reddit’s rich discussions can lead you to make an informed choice about where to invest your time and potentially your money. Remember, the goal is to find an app that motivates and supports you on your fitness journey, and with Reddit’s help, you are more likely to select one that aligns with your goals.